
We welcome your family to our faith formation programs at St. Louis Church! We look forward to working with you in the spiritual growth and formation of your children.

Parental Involvement

During the Second Vatican Council, the Church reaffirmed that parents are the first teachers of their children in the ways of the faith. Parents are called to serve as role models who inspire for their children through their own life of prayer, education in faith, and support of the Church.

The Archdiocese of Baltimore has renewed this commitment to family formation in its guidelines for faith formation in its parishes: “If catechesis is to be fruitful, it needs to include the parents and the formation needs to integrate with Scripture, prayer life, liturgical life, and apostolic outreach.”

The faith formation program of any parish is designed to support, not act as a substitute for parental responsibility. The parish, through volunteer catechists, parish staff, and the pastor, desires to work as a team with parents. Together we provide the children of St. Louis parish with a sound program to help them become disciples of Jesus Christ.

Program Goals

  • Present our Catholic Faith accurately, authentically, and completely, consistent with the age and readiness of the students.
  • Provide a welcoming and loving atmosphere where children can develop their faith and encounter Christ.
  • Foster a clear sense of Catholic identity and an appreciation of Catholic beliefs, values, prayers, practices, and sacramental celebrations.
  • Create an atmosphere of interdependence between administration, catechists, parents and students that promotes mutual respect, concern, and fosters spiritual growth.
  • Priority is given to inviting active engagement in the sacramental life of the Church with particular emphasis on the centrality of the weekly participation in the Holy Mass. (AoB Guidelines, no. 4).

Parent Formation Classes

An essential element in faith formation is formation sessions for the family. As such, our faith formation classes include a parent formation element once a month, to foster spiritual growth as a family and to build a community of families dedicated to forming disciples of Christ. These mandatory formation sessions, labeled “Parent Formation Class” on the calendar, are held concurrently with your child’s faith formation.

Please feel free to reach us via email or phone:

Elementary Faith Formation Office -  (410) 531- 6688

Maggie Snyder, Faith Formation Associate: msnyder@stlouisparish.org
Catherine Prochko, Director of Faith Formation: cprochko@stlouisparish.org

Middle School/High School Faith Formation/Youth Ministry Office – (410) 531 -6668

MC Tenaglia, Youth Ministry Associate: mctenaglia@stlouisparish.org
Luisa Palting, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry: lpalting@stlouisparish.org

Both the Elementary Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Offices are located inside the St. Louis School building. Enter through the school main doors and check-in with the receptionist at the front desk.

News and Notes

A big welcome to Catherine Prochko, our new Director of Faith Formation!

Catherine was born and raised in Texas, one of four children. She attended the University of Dallas, graduating with a B.A. in History. She joined the Catholic Church in 1992 and pursued a Masters in Theological Studies at the University of Dallas. She is married to her husband Michael and has 3 sons and 1 daughter. As an Air Force wife, she worked in parishes throughout the United States and in Korea, finally settling in San Antonio, Texas, first as a Director of Religious Education at a local parish and later as Upper School Administrator and Dean of Academics at a local Catholic school. Mike and Catherine moved to Maryland in 2020 and are parishioners here at St. Louis.

April 20, 2024
  • K-5 and OF1&2 Classes 9:00 am - 10:30 am

  • Parent Formation Class (Mandatory) 9:00 am - 10:30 am

April 22, 2024
  • MONDAY NIGHT Faith Formation 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

April 27, 2024
  • K-5 Faith Formation Last Class

  • K-5 and OF1&2 Classes 9:00 am - 10:30 am

April 28, 2024
  • Ablaze Family Faith Formation 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

April 29, 2024
  • MONDAY NIGHT Faith Formation 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

May 3, 2024
  • First Communion Rehearsal

May 4, 2024
  • First Communion