Welcome to St. Louis Catholic Church and School

Connecting you with God and others

Phone: (410) 531-6040

Close up picture of the sanctuary at St. Louis Catholic Church - Clarksville, Maryland in Ordinary Time.
Image: St. Louis families enjoying a summer evening social on campus and kids playing on the play set.
Exterior picture of Saint Louis Catholic Church in Clarksville, Maryland
Picture of St. Louis IX in St. Louis Catholic Church - Clarksville, MD
Image: Fr. DeAscanis and Fr. McHale in Eucharist Adoration on the 20th Anniversary of their Ordination in St. Louis 1889 Chapel.
Image: Fr. DeAscanis leading parishioners and staff in prayer at the Our Lady of Fatima statue.
Image: People entering the 1889 Chapel for the re-opening in December 2023.
Exterior of Saint Louis Catholic Church
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We invite you to join us as a parishioner at St. Louis Catholic Church! Please complete this registration form and bring it with you to Mass, drop it off at the parish office or email it to tmayer@stlouisparish.org. Anyone seeking the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation at St. Louis must be registered and be an active parishioner for 6 months.

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Mass is live streamed on Sundays at 9:00 AM. Click below for live stream or archived recording of the Mass.

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