Why should I come on retreat?

  • Beautiful, cozy 25 person lodge with a fireplace, hot tub, and places to hike
  • Delicious and hearty meals
  • An accepting environment to discuss your faith and ask questions
  • Guided prayer to support you in connecting with God
  • Talks offered on the topics of your choosing (you can vote/ offer suggestions with registration)
  • Lots of free time to do whatever you need in order to relax: watching movies, reading books, going hiking, playing games, hanging out with the other retreatants, painting and drawing

Details about Retreat

  • We will meet in the St. Louis parking lot on Tuesday at 1pm and return on Thursday  by 5pm.
  • Only those over 21 are able to drive, so if you are over 21, we may ask for your help with carpooling.
  • There are 20 spots for retreatants (and another 5 for leaders). Registration is first come, first serve. You MUST get your payment and your adult release form in by Dec 1 to hold your spot. Otherwise, those on the waiting list will be accepted.
  • Retreatants may be asked to share beds. Yes, this sounds awkward, but we were able to arrange it last year so only people who were friends and didn’t mind shared a bed, and they were mostly girls. Shout out to the pair of guys from last year! 😉
  • You do NOT have to be Catholic or a part of St. Louis to attend this retreat. However, it should be understood that the retreat will be lead from a Catholic perspective, that embraces respectful dialogue with all other perspectives. 
  • You DO have to be between the ages of 18 & 22. If you are in college, but don’t fall into this age range, just contact Katie to discuss before registering. 
  • Packing List DCL18

Registration FULL

  1. Registration– full
  2. Payment: Either send a check made payable to St. Louis CYM, Memo: College Retreat to Katie Erskine || RE: College Retreat|| 12500 Clarksville Pike || Clarksville, MD 21029 OR Drop off in the parish office. If parish office is closed, leave it in the mailbox outside of the door.
  3. Adult Release Form Deep Creek Lake 2018– either upload into the registration, scan and email to kerskine@stlouisparish.org, OR mail to the above address