A Saint is someone whose life is transformed by Christ. We are ALL called to be saints! (Fun fact: a capital “S” Saint is “canonized” meaning they are formally recognized by the Catholic Church as confidently being in heaven due to miraculous evidence or martyrdom. A lower-case “s” saint is someone we trust is in heaven with God, including possibly grandparents and friends. There are many “unnamed” saints in heaven!)
The tradition of adopting a new name for one’s Confirmation is rooted in Scripture. Often times, when a person received a new mission from God, they were given a new name as well (Abram to Abraham in Genesis 17:5, Jacob to Israel in Genesis 32:28, Simon to Peter in Matthew 16:18). In Confirmation, you receive a new mission to spread of the love of God, and you’re invited to choose a Saint Name to symbolize this.
- Saint of the Day calendar
- American Saints and Blesseds
- Saints who fought racism
- Biggest List of Saints by LifeTeen
- Why pick a Saint name? podcast
- Saints who confronted injustice
- Carlo Acutis intercessor for youth
- Patron Saints list
- Franciscan Media
- Catholicity
- Saints of the Liturgical Year
- Catholic Saints Info
- Saint of the month Image Wall
- Bishop Barron Interview on Saints
Once you have chosen a Saint, please submit a thoughtful Saint Name Reflection here.