WELCOME! We are glad you're here. On behalf of the Pastorate of St Louis and St Francis, my name is Luisa Palting and I am the Pastorate Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry and the Confirmation Coordinator. Our high-school Confirmation preparation begins in the Fall of freshman, sophomore or junior year and the celebration of the Sacrament is the following Fall.
To register a high school freshman, sophomore or junior for Confirmation, follow the 3 easy steps below! Then, attend our bimonthly Youth Nights starting in October (this takes the place of high-school faith formation). Please give us a call at 410-531-6668 ext. 272.
1. Register
If you are a rising high school freshman, sophomore or junior and are a registered parishioner at St Louis, you may register. Registration is open July through September and the 1-year program kicks off in September!
2. Attend the Kickoff Session
The candidate and at least 1 parent must attend.
Candidate and parent must register for and attend the kickoff session. Otherwise, the candidate and a parent will need to schedule a makeup session.
3. Turn in the following no later than December 31
After registering, please submit Confirmation fee of $225 made payable to St. Louis CYM and a Copy of Baptismal Certificate. Email a copy of certificate here or Pay online here. Check and Baptismal Certificates may also be dropped of or mailed to:
St. Louis CYM Confirmation
St. Louis Church
12500 Clarksville Pike
Clarksville, MD 21029.
If you have any questions about the registration or the Confirmation process, please do not hesitate to call or email me! I look forward to this time with your families!
-Luisa Palting || lpalting@stlouisparish.org || 410-531-6668 ext. 272