Social Media Fast Challenge | February 18 - 24, 2024
How To Fast:
- Leave your phone charging instead of bringing it to the dinner table
- Complete a chore or necessary work you've been putting off
- Play a game
- Pick up a book
- Choose to use time saved for something else:
- Extra family time
- Sleep
- Connect with friends
- Exercise
- Say a prayer!
Don't do this alone! Speak to a friend, spouse, a fellow parishioner! And tell us how you did!
Why Fast?
As a pastorate and as a continuation of our homily series, we are asking our parishioners to live simpler, to slow down, to use silence prayerfully, and to dedicate to making Sundays a priority for God. It will be good to challenge ourselves to a social media fast where we choose to purposefully set our phones and other tools that can be time wasters aside, and increase time spent with God and our families.