Valentine’s Day STEM

Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love and at St Louis School we love STEM!

As part of our continued commitment to STEM education, we held a school-wide activity yesterday to engage our students in critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication.

Challenge activities included heart-shaped pinwheels, 3D-printed heart shapes, candy-carrying origami frogs, crystal hearts, physics-defying oobleck, love boats, Valentine’s Day themed dialogue boxes, newspaper towers, animal habitat exploration, curious chemical reactions and even flying cupids.

Because happy teachers are effective teachers, we started the day with Valentine’s Day donuts, coffee and chocolate. Each teacher was encouraged to complete the development process by providing feedback about their activity and how their students responded. You can get a sense of how the day progressed in the photographs below.

Students and faculty had a fun-filled, inquiry-based educational experience and we look forward to many more.