Exodus 90

You’ll learn to pray every day, allowing you to be more honest with God. Not sure how? Don’t sweat it, we’ll show you.

Easter 50 (Up Now)

Image of Exodus' Easter 50After Exodus 90 and Lent, what comes next? Easter 50. In the Easter season, Jesus offers us the Holy Spirit to teach us how to live out his freedom, inspired from within and equipped to serve. The Cross offers freedom and the empty tomb calls us to live a life free from the bondage of death. Jesus’s Resurrection changes everything, making us into new men, alive with his own divine Spirit.

There are practical consequences that flow from Jesus’s victory over death. We simply cannot live the same way, going back to the ways of the world. We must continue to grow and experience the healing that comes from the Holy Spirit, who transforms us from within and enables us to live as Sons of the Resurrection. Reading First and Second Peter, we will explore the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit and how they can guide our lives as Christian men.

Throughout the 50 days of Easter, we must celebrate! Our embrace of asceticism should free our hearts to embrace the festivity of victory. Moved by the Spirit, the joy of Christian celebration embraces and proclaims the new life Jesus has given us. It unites us in communion and calls us to share this joy with others.

But, even in a festive season, we must continue to foster the transformation that Jesus offers us. We will focus on building a personal Plan of Life that focuses on areas where we need to maintain or continue to grow. God has a plan for us, and we must discern how to respond. He will continue to guide us in prayer, maintaining moderation, and growing in brotherhood.

Exodus 90 F & L Fraternity sign up button

Questions or want to know more about Easter 50, contact Chuck Gait cfgait@gmail.com or Don Tsusaki designs@zitherist.com.

Kings of Summer (On deck, starting May 19, 2024)

Exodus 90 Kings of Summer graphicAs the Easter season comes to a close, we'll begin to overcome the sloth of summer. It's easy to use summer as an excuse to "not have time" for God.

Summer offers us the most opportunities of time off for rest & relaxation — cloudless days with perfect temperatures, walks in the park with ice cream, campfires with s’mores at night with the family and friends.

Often, however, we look at this time for rest as a break from the invitation the Lord gives us to continue growing in relationship with him. To be clear: there is no “time off” in our relationship with God.

The great spiritual teachers have always affirmed that if we are not moving forwards we will slide backwards. What do we need to do to keep up the spiritual life even during our summer downtime?


St. Michael's Lent (In the hole, August 15, 2024)

Exodus 90 St.Michael's Lent graphicAn Ancient Church practice. Revived.

During his life, St. Francis of Assisi observed a 40-day, Lent-like period of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity in preparation for the Feast of St Michael the Archangel.

In fact, it was in 1224 during St. Michael’s Lent when Francis received the great grace of the Stigmata — the Five Wounds of Christ.

While not well known in the Church today, this ancient spiritual exercise is a powerful expression of the Faith – and desperately needed in our culture today.

St. Michael’s Lent is 40 days of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity.


Exodus 90 (Starting January 2025)

Exodus 90 Logo90 days to freedom

Are you tired of returning to the same ‘modern Pharaohs’ over and over again — overconsumption of social media, numbing your problems with alcohol, pornography, or binge-watching TV? Our culture today has no shortage of Pharaohs and idols that hold us back from true unity with God. Exodus 90 offers you a way out. You can start today. You’ll learn to pray every day during Exodus 90, allowing you to be more honest with God. Not sure how? Don’t sweat it, we’ll show you. Start 2025 with an uncommon experience that leads to a year of finding deeper peace and true unity with God.

What is Exodus 90?

With Exodus 90, you’ll return to an ancient tradition of asceticism (an ancient word for “acts of self-denial”). It’s a 90-day journey through the Book of Exodus, diving deeper into understanding the similarities we share with the ancient Israelites and finding our path to freedom from our own ‘modern Pharaohs’ holding us back from true unity with God. Guys, we were made for more than this. If you desire freedom from these ‘modern Pharaohs’ — Freedom to be a better husband, a better father, and a better man for others — check out Exodus 90.

For 90 days, we focus on three core pillars: prayer, asceticism, and fraternity — a model witnessed to us centuries ago by the desert fathers in the early Church.

With our fraternity, some of the things you’ll commit to are:

  • One Holy Hour of daily silent prayer; reading from Scripture and reflections on the Exodus app
  • Fast and Abstain from Meat on Wednesdays and Fridays
  • Give up Video Games
  • Avoid Unnecessary Smartphone Use
  • Get 7+ Hours of Sleep
  • Give up Alcohol
  • Cold Showers (you can do it!)
  • Give up TV, movies, or televised sports
  • Avoid Unnecessary Computer Use
  • Meet with a fraternity of men (ideal size 5-7 men) weekly
  • No Snacking between Meals
  • Check in with your Anchor (one chosen fraternity brother) daily
  • Make a Nightly Examen
  • Exercise 3x per Week
  • Celebrate the Lord's Day

Yes, sometimes we fast. But, other times, we feast!

Asceticism is about saying “no” to lesser things so that we are able to say “yes” when God asks greater things from us. Though we should strive to reject evil in every instance, we should also abstain from good things for periods of time so that we can remain focused on what matters most in our lives.

Asceticism is not about proving something to yourself, showing that you are strong enough to others, or earning God’s grace. Exodus 90 is not a spiritual marathon or another secular men’s challenge. Exodus 90 is a spiritual exercise crafted for you to become uncommonly free for the love that God has called you to.

Why Join?

Saint Dominic once said, “A man who governs his passions is master of the world. We must either rule them or be ruled by them.” If we’re ruled by our ‘modern Pharaohs,’ how can we truly be free to become the men God made us to be? Exodus 90 gives you the tools to take control of your life and find deeper unity with God — and a brotherhood of men on the same path.

Our Pastor - Father DeAscanis - offers more insights on the benefits of Exodus 90.


Numerous men from St. Louis and St. Francis pastorate have participated in multiple Exodus 90 sessions over the past several years. All of these men had their lives transformed for the better. Many continue to invest in the relationships they formed during that time by continuing to meet weekly as a fraternity on Monday evenings.

Exodus 90 F & L Fraternity sign up button

Questions or want to know more about Exodus 90, contact Chuck Gait cfgait@gmail.com or Don Tsusaki designs@zitherist.com.

Exodus 90, It Works Graphic