Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
Are you interested in becoming Catholic? We’re happy you’re here! If you are not a member of our Catholic faith, not yet baptized, baptized in another denomination, or baptized Catholic but did not yet receive First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation and are thinking of becoming Catholic, we have a wonderful program called the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) [formerly RCIA] that will help bring you fully into the Church.
OCIA is the process through which adults explore and, if they choose, eventually become Catholic, whether through Baptism or being received into full communion with the Church. The Christian Initiation process offers an opportunity to receive instruction and ask questions in a supportive environment alongside others who are on the same journey, learning the fundamental beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith and what it means to live as a Catholic. Christian Initiation is for:
- Unbaptized adults
- Adults with no religious background
- Baptized Christians who wish to explore entering into the Catholic Church
- Baptized Catholics who wish to complete their Sacraments of Initiation including Confirmation and First Eucharist
- Baptized Catholics who are interested in returning to the Church
- Practicing Catholics who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the Catholic Faith
Who joins OCIA? People just like you who, for example,
- May be non-Catholic but have a child receiving the sacraments soon and want to learn more about it for themselves
- Have been away from the Church for awhile and would like to update their knowledge of Church teachings
- Sitting in the pew next to their Catholic spouse for years wondering about becoming Catholic
- Made their First Communion but, for various reasons, never got around to making their Confirmation
- Love their Catholic Faith but feel they never had strong instruction as a child, teen, or young adult, and or have felt a recurring encouragement to explore Catholicism.
In the book "Becoming Catholic" by David Yamane, he studied the reasons people enter a Christian Initiation program. Did you know 72% of respondents say their family was the main reason they joined the Catholic Church? Many express it was a direct invitation from a family member that prompted their entry to the OCIA program. If you have a spouse, in-law or other family member or even a co-worker or friend who has expressed an interest or a yearning for something more in their life, maybe it is time to extend an invitation.
Change the World: Become an Active Catholic!
Our 2024 - 2025 OCIA sessions are held on Thursdays, September 5, 2024 through May 2025 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.
For more information about OCIA and to register:
- Adults (18 years and older): Contact Deacon Frank Sarro at fsarro@stlouisparish.org
- Parents of children or youth: Contact the Faith Formation office at 410-531-6688
Clergy talks on aspects of the Catholic faith presented to the 2023-2024 OCIA candidates are available here.
Join the OCIA Team!
We encourage current parishioners of St. Louis and St. Francis pastorate to consider being a part of the Christian Initiation Team, walking with and supporting the inquirers as they grow, and warmly welcoming them into our community. Please contact Deacon Sarro. We look forward to welcoming you!