Providing a Church Connection for our Young Adults
What is the CCM? College Connection Ministry falls under the umbrella of College Ministry at St. Francis and St. Louis Parishes. The purpose of CCM is to involve all of our parishioners in providing connections between our churches and the college-aged young adults. CCM members are assigned a student (typically in August) to accompany throughout the school year. CCM members do this by praying for their student regularly and sending him/ her monthly cards, gift cards, or care packages. There are three components to CCM which are outlined below: A) Prayer, B) Events, C) Monthly Communications.
Registration for the 2018-2019 School Year is Open HERE!
Please note: If you were a part of this ministry last year, you do NOT need to re-register. Please contact the ministry staff person to un-register, if you no longer wish to continue. Thanks!
^Our 2017-2018 Students
A) CCM Prayer
Prayer is the most important part of the College Connection Ministry. Once you are assigned a student, you will receive a card with your student’s first name, school, and year that you can put in a convenient place to remind you of your commitment. You will also a receive a photo of your student.
Along with personal, regular prayer, CCM members are invited twice a year to attend a holy hour specifically dedicated to praying for the college-aged young adults.
B) CCM Events
1.) St. Francis Roll Out (May 5 & 6, 2018)
This is the first year that St. Francis and St. Louis will be collaborating in this ministry for our college-aged young adults. We will need CCM members from St. Louis to help invite parishioners at St. Francis to join the effort by being present in the narthex after Mass.
Thanks to those who signed up from St. Francis!! We are excited to have you!
2.) Homecoming Weekend (June 2 & 3, 2018)
CCM kicks off the Summer Break by hosting a College Ministry table at St. Louis in the back of the narthex. College students are encouraged to stop by after Mass to register for College Ministry and pick up a summer calendar. CCM members are needed to staff the table after Mass to speak with those interested in either College Ministry or CCM.
To sign up to help with Masses this week, please CLICK HERE.
3.) College Summer Kick Off Party (June 10, 2018)
Two of our CCM members, Brian and Amanda Franklin, have offered to host a College Summer Kick Off Party at their home for the young adults. We would love to have some CCM members who would be willing to come and help with hospitality/ preparations and meet some of the young adults in person. It should be a fun time! The party will begin after the 9:30am Mass and last until the fun dies down.
4.) Send Off Weekend (August 5, 2018)
This event is still in the works, with some details being taken into consideration with the new parish collaboration. It will involve a blessing for the college students heading back to school and a lunch shared by the college-aged young adults and the CCM members.
Sign up will be made available closer to the date for CCM to volunteer in particular roles for the meal, including bringing food items.
5.) Care Package Assemblies (Once a semester, dates to be determined.)
Once a semester, the CCM sends care packages to all of the college-aged young adults. On a Sunday evening, CCM members come to St. Louis from 5-7pm. The first hour is spent preparing the care packages and sharing a meal together. The second hour is spent in the chapel for Adoration and interceding for the college-aged young adults in the parishes.
C) CCM Monthly Communications
We want the college-aged young adults to whom you are assigned to KNOW that you are praying for them and to develop a relationship with you throughout the course of the year. CCM members are asked to send SOMETHING monthly to their student. The College Ministry provides a schedule for the year (see below) with suggestions. Your commitment to CCM does NOT need to be expensive. At minimum, please send a monthly card. Please note: there is no way to ensure that your college-aged young adult responds to your communication, though many are verbal in thanking the CCM partner and showing appreciation.
Care Package Schedule 2018-2019
Archived Newsletters
Aerial Map of St. Louis
This group is managed by Katie Erskine, Associate Youth and Young Adult Minister, until June 13, 2018. Afterwards, her replacement will be taking leadership.